Friday 12 December 2008

Technical Project Manager Ingredients - Assertive

Some people think of been assertive as having to shout. As a TPM anything else...YOU DONT NEED TO SHOUT to be assertive.

What is been assertive? Its NOT been agressive. If you want to be a cage fighter or something...or be a celebrity....take lots of drugs...and when the paps come for you....fight them....then you'll appear on the 'Most Agressive Celebrity' show....

...anyways..i digress.

Assertiveness for a TPM. Here we go....

Assertiveness in simple terms is saying what you need or want. But its double sided too. Its protecting yourself from what you dont need or want. Along with that is respecting the rights of other people or groups.

And that is where the skill is needed.

A few tips -
-Use open ended questions. Dont be fobbed off.
-Work out responses to agression. But not with agression.Practice saying "I'm not sure about that.
-Have faith in your own abilities.
-State clearly your means and aims.("As discussed, I will be rolling Office 2007 out to all your PCs on the week commencing the 24th of September.)(I believe i've been missunderstood. The PID is quite clear in showing that laptops are not in scope.)

Remember, just be straight and clear. Leave the agression out. Not needed. It will just make you look like a bully. If you arent getting your point across, escalate.

The BBC have a really good article on Assertiveness - check it out here -

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