Friday 12 December 2008

Technical Project Manager Ingredients - Good Negotiator

You gotta know how to talk....and achieve the 'WW' - The 'Win Win' Situation. As a TPM sometimes you will want/need to do things that the rest of the business WILL DEFINITELY NOT WANT TO DO.


You have a legacy system that acts as an interface between hand held devices out in the field and the back end corporate SAP system. Absolutely business critical.

The system is hemorhaging money because of old hardware support costs.

You've been commisioned to get the system upgraded.

Downtime is necessary.

You want to do this at night.

The system owner doesnt want to. He wants to do it early in the morning.

You dont want to do it early in the morning because of the lack of support people available.

What are you going to do? You need a win win situation.

You could make arrangements for the weekend. Perhaps on Saturday - in the day time and you could arrange for support people to be available at the weekend. That could work.

You need to negotiate to resolve disputes, to come to agreements. You dont want to be lead by the customer....At the same time too, you do need to consider the customer's environment. It makes no sense forcing techy issues on business minded people with out considering their thoughts. IT JUST WONT WORK. I know i've been there!!! (YOU WILL HAVE THIS NEW ENCRYPTION SOFTWARE - SO THERE!)

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